Thursday, February 2, 2012


This past Sunday the Cramer family ventured into the great outdoors for a snowshoeing adventure with friends. It was Michelle's and Benjamin's first time snowshoeing. Technically Ben didn't strap on his own shoes and walk in the snow, but he came along for the trip in a front pack strapped to Jon.

We traveled to the nearby Mt. Spokane for an afternoon. We had three other couples join us, one of which brought their two kids. The weather was nice. It was chilly until you got moving and it even snowed while we were out walking.

The girls.

The boys.

It was so much fun to hike in the snow, fall in the snow, and play in the snow with our friends. There were even some snow forts that others have made that we got to play in.

Michelle in a snow fort.

Benjamin did pretty well on the adventure. He slept most of the time as Jon carried him. He woke up while we played in the snow forts, but after a diaper change he was back to sleep.

The Cramer Family

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