Saturday, May 28, 2011

Flipping Boats

A monumental event has happened! Jon has officially flipped his first raft! He has flipped rafts before on purpose, but never on accident...until now. On Friday, May 20th Jon flipped his first raft. Then again on Friday, May 27th he flipped his second raft.

Here's Jon right before he flipped...unfortunately they don't have a picture of his flipped raft.

We also recently celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary! We enjoyed a nice dinner at Outback Steakhouse where we feasted on Bloomin' Onions, steaks, potatoes, and their delicious brown bread (which happens to be Michelle's favorite). On the way home we then grabbed a Red Box movie and Dairy Queen Blizzards. It was a fun, relaxing anniversary.

Michelle's pregnancy is progressing well. She is now officially in week 13 and on her last week of the first trimester. She has been recovering from morning sickness. Weeks 6-9 were really bad and required medicine from the doctor in order to keep some food/drinks down. But weeks 11-13 are proving to be much better. She's only getting sick once or twice a week without having to use the medicine.

Jon's season is getting busier and busier. He leaves next week on Thursday, June 2nd for Cashmere where they will be rafting the Wenatchee River. He is hoping to return on Sunday, June 26th. Michelle is planning on visiting him at least 1 of the weekends and possibly another if her schedule works out.

Please be praying for us! Here are ways you can pray specifically for us:
1. Jon's safety during the remainder of rafting season.
2. Michelle's safety as she drives out to see him on weekends.
3. Comfort for Michelle and Jon as they spend most of June apart.
4. Michelle's school work as she continues in her 3rd (of 4) semester.
5. For the development of our baby.
6. For financial support for Jon's ministry.
7. Michelle's work situation as it is still a very negative environment.